Divorce Mediation is a process of working with a neutral Denver Divorce Mediator professional to achieve fair and reasonable outcomes that both sides find fair and reasonable. It is an alternative to lawyer led disputes and Court ordered outcomes that leave one, or in many cases, both sides unhappy with the results.
Generally, Mediations tend to follow this simple order:
Depending on the type of case you have and the characteristics of your specific circumstances the Mediator may expand or streamline different steps as appropriate.
During the Mediation the Mediator will set the agenda based on the topics you wish to resolve, and facilitate the communications and negotiations so details are discussed and considered and the process remains productive and respectful. The Mediator will encourage you each to share your reasons for your requests and identify potential areas where clients issues can be mutualized and a common solution could satisfy both Parties.
Once an agreement is reached, the Mediator can document the terms and details of your agreement in either a term sheet called a Memorandum of Understanding, or if both Parties agree, the Mediator can assist with reducing the Parties agreements to writing in the forms you can file with any County Court in Colorado.
During the whole process the Mediator focuses on the issues and pragmatic solutions and does not give the Parties legal advice and does not have the authority to compel the Parties to any action. In short, the Parties determine the Outcome and the Mediator determines how they get there.
Today is special. You will here an excerpt from an interview I did with four adult children of divorce. They have some simple advice for you that could change your lives and the lives of your children forever. Please listen and learn from the real experts of divorce, the Children themselves.
Depending on the type of case you have and whether or not there are any complicating factors the entire duration of a mediation can be estimated by the case time over the past 17 years as below. You can learn more about what the complicating factors are and how they can impact what a Mediation Costs and how long a Mediation takes.
Summary of overall calendar durations of Mediations.
Your type of case and the complicating factors will directly impact your overall cost of the mediation. Divorces with Children where there is high conflict will take longer obviously than Divorces where the kids are a lot older and the Parties are amicable. You can learn more about the Mediation Fees and how these factors can impact them.
The following averages however can be used as a starting place.
Whatever the cost I am pretty confident in saying that we are the more affordable and offer a better value than other established Mediation offices and Law Offices and if you do have complicating factors the cost with other more expensive firms will go up even more and leave us still as the more value rich option.
Tom Davis is a Professional Certified Family and Divorce Mediator working in Denver, Colorado for the past 18+ years. He has assisted almost 4,000 clients in fulfilling his mission to “Remove the Fear and Expense from Divorce” and has maintained an 89% Success Rate over that time. He is passionate about helping families keep their money, side-step the fear and anxiety that most couples unfortunately endure, so families are best positioned to recover and adjust to the Divorce. As Tom has said, he is trying to make the world a better place, one family at a time.
Tom has a well rounded skill set and life experience and unique qualities to help families look past the conflict and focus on the opportunities whether it be in Co-Parenting or Financially. Being both Creative and Analytical simultaneously is a real strength for a Divorce Mediator that can benefit clients with creative and nuanced solutions. This industry depends on clients being afraid or angry to justify its over-rated costs and Tom stands in direct and clear opposition to that standard. Most people can work through their issues when given the opportunity, encouragement and support. Contact Tom and discuss the possibilities of an alternative way to meet everyone’s needs.