(303) 725-1007
Mon - Sun 9:00am-5::00pm



Tips from the 10 Tips to Improve your Mediation Series.

Pre-Mediation Disclosures

Imagine if you could turn one hour of your time before the mediation into a savings worth hundreds of dollars, while simultaneously increasing your chance of success, and protecting you from legal and physical jeopardy. Today I will share with you how to do just that. 
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Clarifying and Optimizing Your Mediation Goals for Success

Welcome! If you have good clarity on what's important to you, your success in mediation can be a reality. Today's topic is about getting clarity on your internal goals versus your external goals. Couples who do not work this out at all, or work it out incorrectly have more difficulty in the negotiations and the mediation can even be completely compromised.
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