The Mediator provides the most information available on Mediation, the costs, the timeframes, the process, the alternatives and answers all your questions.
The Mediator provides the most information available on Mediation, the costs, the timeframes, the process, the alternatives and answers all your questions.
According to new information recently released it’s proposed that Spousal Maintenance no longer be deductible from the Party paying it. This will certainly affect how Spousal Maintenance will be calculated and negotiated if this bill is passed.
Seems like an easy question on the surface. When going through a divorce most of the clients that come before me basically want a fair financial settlement, a fair parenting plan with their children and to avoid being “screwed over” during the divorce process. These client needs are modest and I generally always can help […]
Consider mediation from the start as the means to handle your divorce. Here are a few quick points to consider:
Divorce is difficult and troubling to the families involved but much of the damage that is possible can be prevented, in part, by properly handling the conflict in the most effective manner. Divorce is a stressful and very damaging process that leaves invisible wounds to all involved that can’t easily detected.
You may have heard about the new Spousal Support Law Changes coming into effect in Colorado in 2014. You can read the entire House Bill here and learn more about the effects coming to Divorcing Colorado Couples