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Pro Se Divorce Podcast Introduction and Announcement of Ten Tips Series

Pro Se Divorce Podcast Episode 1
Pro Se Divorce Podcast
Pro Se Divorce Podcast Introduction and Announcement of Ten Tips Series

In This Episode

Episode Summary:

In this first episode of the “Pro Se Divorce Podcast,” Tom Davis, a seasoned Certified Professional Divorce Mediator, shares how listeners can achieve greater success in their divorce mediations by taking control of the process. Tom breaks down the core benefits of Pro Se mediation, such as reduced conflict, cost savings, and faster resolutions, all while empowering listeners to stay in the driver’s seat. He also introduces an upcoming series, “10 Things Pro Se Parties Can Do to Produce Successful Mediation Results,” which will provide actionable strategies to help you navigate mediation with confidence and clarity. Whether you’re in the midst of a divorce or looking to be prepared for any future challenges, this podcast equips you with the tools to achieve the best possible outcomes in your mediation journey.

Season: 2024
Episode: 01
Air Date: 8/24/2024
Series: 10 Things Pro Se Parties Can Do to Produce Successful Mediation Results

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