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Ep 5:Pro Se Tips 4 of 10-How to Not Kill Your Mediation with Negative Reactions

Pro Se Divorce Podcast Episode 5 Negative Reactions that Kill Negotiations.
Pro Se Divorce Podcast
Ep 5:Pro Se Tips 4 of 10-How to Not Kill Your Mediation with Negative Reactions

In this episode of the Pro Se Divorce Podcast, Tom Davis dives into the critical importance of pre-mediation planning to avoid emotional and negotiation triggers that can derail the mediation process. Drawing from real-life examples, Tom illustrates how unpreparedness can lead to costly mistakes, highlighting the need for intentional strategies to keep mediations productive.

Tom discusses how Pro Se parties can work with their mediator to prepare for potential triggers, offering practical solutions like shuttle mediation, coaching, and techniques to manage emotional reactions. He introduces “Panic Button” phrases that help de-escalate tense moments and keep negotiations on track.

Listeners will learn how to navigate their emotional responses, avoid common pitfalls, and get the most out of the mediation process. This episode is essential for anyone looking to stay calm and composed during a challenging mediation, ensuring the best possible outcome.

Season: 2024
Series: Pro Se Mediation Boot Camp
Now What?

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On Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/divorce-mediation-journal/id1763072291

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