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Five Things Children of Divorce Wish Their Parents Took More Seriously

Five Things Children of Divorce Wish Their Parents Took More Seriously

  1. I still love both of you: Children of divorcing parents may feel pressured to take sides or choose between their parents. They may want their parents to know that they can still love and care about both of them, even after the divorce.
  2. I didn’t cause the divorce: Children may blame themselves for their parents’ divorce, which can lead to feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. They may want their parents to know that they are not responsible for the divorce.
  3. I need both of you in my life: Children may worry about losing one of their parents after the divorce. They may want their parents to know that they need both of them in their lives, and that they value their relationship with each parent.
  4. I need consistency and stability: Children may feel overwhelmed by the changes that come with a divorce. They may want their parents to provide consistency and stability in their lives by maintaining a routine and a sense of normalcy.
  5. I need your support and understanding: Children of divorcing parents may experience a range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, and confusion. They may want their parents to provide emotional support, understanding, and validation during this difficult time.

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