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Five Things Divorcing Parents Can Keep in Mind to Protect Their Children

Five Things Divorcing Parents Can Keep in Mind to Protect Their Children

  1. Communicate with the child: It is important for parents to talk to their children about the divorce in an age-appropriate way. This can help the child understand what is happening and feel less confused and anxious. It is also important for parents to listen to their children and validate their feelings.
  2. Keep conflict away from the child: Parents should avoid arguing or speaking negatively about each other in front of their children. It is also important to keep the child out of any legal or financial conflicts that may arise during the divorce.
  3. Maintain a consistent routine: It is important for parents to maintain a consistent routine for their children. This can help provide stability and a sense of normalcy during a time of change.
  4. Seek support: Divorcing parents should seek support from friends, family, or professionals. This can help them manage their own emotions and better support their children.
  5. Co-parent effectively: Parents should work together to co-parent their children effectively. This includes sharing parenting responsibilities, communicating effectively, and making decisions that are in the best interest of the child. It is also important to establish clear boundaries and guidelines to help children adjust to their new family dynamic.

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